Enhance your visits to the Nature Sanctuary by attending our programs.
Whether you wish to bring school children or scouts on a field trip, set up a one-of-a-kind birthday party or sign your children up for summer camps (E.G.A.D.S.) – MLTNS staff and advisors have created a highly successful, fun and educational series of programs.
Outdoor and Environmental Education Programs
Each of our school programs fulfill several M.A.P. requirements and many of these programs have won awards for content, creativity and hands-on participation. Several teachers have written that in their 22-24- years of teaching our field trips “are always the best.”
Programs are offered throughout the year, providing opportunities for everyone from preschoolers to adults to learn about natural Missouri. Anyone can attend the public programs listed each month in The Sanctuary, our newsletter for members and friends.
Public program reservations may be made by phone, fax or in person. Because of increased demands for programming we require advance reservations for most programs. (Our programming increased by 96.7% from 1996 through 2001!) All reservations must be paid for with cash, check or credit card in advance.
Overnight programs are designed for children ages 8 to 12. All groups must have a minimum of 2 adults present for the entire duration of the overnight program. (1 adult to 6 children required.)
To schedule a private program or field trips:
1. Call MLTNS at (816) 781-8598 Tuesday through Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and ask for a naturalist.
2. If you are calling April through October: please be advised that these are our busiest programming months. It is generally easiest to reach a naturalist between 3 and 5 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. If you are unable to reach a naturalist when you call, please leave a day and evening phone number.
3. If a naturalist is unavailable when you call, please advise the receptionist of your preferred dates and times, number of children coming and desired program.
To ensure you can reserve the days and times that fit best with your schedule, it is recommended that field trips for school children and preschoolers, birthday parties and private scout badges be scheduled two to three months in advance. Sponsorships for program fees are available to those who qualify.