Friends of the Sanctuary
Memberships at MLTNS

Membership Brochure –
new brochure coming soon!
This nature preserve is supported in part by annual membership fees from the Friends of the Sanctuary. Because of their annual contributions, we are able to improve and maintain one of Northwest Missouri’s best outdoor educational facilities.
Friends’ contributions help with wildlife habitat improvements, educational programming and protection of rare plants.
If you are not a member, please consider becoming one. Complete and submit the form from our membership brochure and we will mail you a membership package and reply envelope for your tax-deductible contribution. Or, click button below to join online now!
Martha Lafite Thompson Nature Sanctuary, 407 N La Frenz Road, Liberty, MO 64068; is a 501(c)3 private non-profit organization. Donations are deductible to the extent provided by IRS Regulations.
Fed Tax #43-1094434 / Missouri Tax ID #12606065.
If you have any questions about becoming a member of the Friends of the Sanctuary, please call us at (816) 781-8598 or e-mail us at for more information.