The Nature Trails are OPEN 8 AM – 5 PM | NO PETS PLEASE

407 N. La Frenz Rd.
Liberty, MO 64068

Award Winning Field Trips

Animal Cliques

Animal Cliques bird
Animal Cliques bug
EGADS Day Camp wetlands

Insect Intrigue

Pre-K – Kindergarten
Program Length: 60 minutes
Fee: $5 per child
Offered May – October
What young child isn’t fascinated by those creeping, crawling little bugs? From dragonflies and grasshoppers to butterflies and ants, insects truly do intrigue young children. During this special program, your youngsters will be introduced to the world of insects, from what makes an insect an insect to searching for them with nets in hand. We’ll release all our buggy friends at the end of the program.

Feathered Friends

1st – 3rd Grades
Program Length: 90 minutes
Fees: $7* per child
Time of Year: Year-round
Students will soar to new heights as they learn about the world of birds. We’ll start with an indoor introduction to birds and then head outdoors in search of robins, cardinals, hawks and more. This program will conclude with the children making their very own bird feeder to take home.

* The cost per student includes an additional $1 fee for bird seed.

Wild About Wetlands

4th-6th Grades
Program Length: 2 hours
Fees: $6 per child
Time of Year: April 15 – September 30
This program will literally immerse your students in the world of wetlands. They will learn through firsthand observation and investigation what organisms are found in our creek and pond environments. From water beetles and dragonfly larvae to tadpoles and fish, students will begin to understand both the importance of healthy wetlands and the organisms found in each system. Students will use nets, magnifiers for macro invertebrates, and equipment to test water quality including pH, turbidity, etc.

Please note this program involves getting in the water. Closed toe and heel shoes or boots are required footwear for children and adults. No sandals, CrocsTM or aqua socks are allowed.

Please help Martha Lafite Thompson Nature Sanctuary with a personal donation.